Grant Writing
With over 15 years of successful experience in applying for state and federal grants, I can work with your organization to fill in all necessary components of grant applications, including needs statements, refining scope and objectives of proposed work, methods for improving accountability, budget narratives, and citations. I will work with you to ensure that your grant applications are addressing all the requested components of the RFP process, including everything from line spacing and max page numbers to weighting your responses appropriately based on how the RFPs are scored.
Project Evaluation Planning
I can develop an evaluation plan around your proposed activities. My specialty area is in participatory evaluation work: crafting a flow of information that not only will meet mandated performance measures, but will also provide a flow of information that can be used by the project director to enhance project performance. For grant applications, this typically involves setting a plan for information flow, using logic models when necessary, and creating performance measures that are tied to your objectives as well as their necessary data sources.
Conducting Survey Research
I can help you through the various stages of the survey process, including background research, survey design, sampling design, survey implementation (phone, web, in-person), analysis, and report write-up.
Data Mining
I have many years of experience in using established state and national data sets as well as local agency information to inform leaders and advocates about the trends and issues among the population studied.
Framing Information
Quantitative Analysis: As a result of your agency's services, is one group any better off than another group? To what extent have services impacted your consumer base? Is your organization doing better than it was 10 years ago in meeting the needs of your consumers? How effective are state supports in meeting the needs of your consumers?
Qualitative Analysis: You have received numerous open comments from a recent survey / program evaluation, how can you distill these comments down into something you can use for program improvement?
Report Review and Critique
Make sure that the points you are trying to make are clearly coming across, find better and shorter ways of saying the same thing, identify gaps (or leaps!) in logic where additional information would provide the reader critical background information.
Project Evaluation Using Participatory Evaluation Methodologies
In this context, participatory evaluation means that there are ongoing conversations between the project manager, major stakeholders as appropriate and evaluator through all stages of the evaluation work. Their input is incorporated into the initial design of information flow, creation of data entry forms / databases, determination of performance measures, analysis, interpretation of results, and report write-up.
Project Management
For larger initiatives needing an individual who can responsibly follow up on a wide variety of tasks, keep stakeholders informed, develop collaborative decision making processes, and ultimately, achieve the stated objectives within the needed time frame.
Antal Resume 122024 (pdf)
DownloadUnderstanding Family Engagement in Genetic Services 2022 (pdf)
DownloadNH Healthcare Workplace Violence 2022 (pdf)
DownloadNEGC 2016 Annual Evaluation Report Yr 9 FINAL (pdf)
DownloadCommunity Mental Health Workforce Study 2016 (pdf)
DownloadWomen's Retirement Insecurity 2009 (pdf)
DownloadHospitalization Analysis 2006 (pdf)
DownloadAccessNH-Education 2006 (pdf)
DownloadNew Hampshire Speaks Out We Want Public Transportation Summary Report 2005 (pdf)
DownloadMaking Kids Count in Rural Northern New England-2004 (pdf)